Immigration news: CBI warnings and immigration policy announcements banner


Immigration news: CBI warnings and immigration policy announcements

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It has been a busy period for top London immigration solicitors with the recent announcements from the Immigration Minister, Caroline Nokes, on a range of new Immigration measures including:

• The introduction of the Start –up visa. This visa was first announced in June; and

• The termination of the Tier 1 (entrepreneur) visa with effect from early 2019; and

• The introduction of the new Innovator visa. This is being brought in with effect from early 2019 with the intention of replacing the Entrepreneur Visa; and

• The inclusion of architects in the definition of exceptional talent for the purposes of applying for Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visas; and

• The introduction of the pilot scheme for seasonal agricultural migrant workers. This scheme was announced in September 2018; and

• Changing specific Immigration rules relating to religious workers applying for jobs as ministers of religion under Tier 5 (Temporary Worker – Religious Worker); and

• Changing Immigration rules to prevent second visas for religious workers and charity workers until a year has expired since their first visa under the Tier 5 (Temporary Worker – Religious Worker) visa route; and

• Making other changes to visa requirements for Tier 1 and Tier 2 visa applicants.

All these Immigration announcements were enough to make the best London immigration solicitors’ heads spin. What is so frustrating to the top London immigration solicitors is the lack of detail about some of the planned Immigration rule changes and visas.

How can OTS Solicitors help?

Are you are unsure about how the raft of Immigration changes will affect you and your business? Do you need advice about making an Entrepreneur Visa application before they are terminated? Are you part way through the Entrepreneur Visa application process? For expert advice on your visa application options or how the Immigration changes may affect you call us on 0203 959 9123.

If top London immigration solicitors found the Immigration announcements somewhat unclear in terms of detail, then how can business owners formulate their business plans? How then do business owners plan their migrant worker policy? The uncertainty stems from:

Brexit and the potential EEA Immigration changes; and

• The number of new Immigration announcements and measures relating to non-EEA migrants.

The best London immigration solicitors are not the only ones who are raising concerns on behalf of business owners.

The Confederation of British Industry

On top of all the planned Immigration rule changes for non-EEA citizens, the government has announced that they have plans to restrict the Immigration of low skilled migrant workers after Brexit.

Carolyn Fairbairn, the director general of the Confederation of British Industry said the measures aimed at restricting low-skilled Immigration could have unintended consequences.

The director general of the CBI told The House magazine that “businesses could go under and we would lose jobs rather than create jobs for our population”.

Carolyn Fairburn’s remarks were made in response to the prime minister’s speech to the Confederation of British Industry. In that speech, Theresa May said that after Brexit, EU migrant workers would not be allowed to “jump the queue” to come to Britain.

The CBI has identified the following issues:

• Companies are reporting growing problems hiring staff; and

• There are fewer EU migrants coming to the UK since the Brexit vote;

• Net EU migration to the UK has fallen to the lowest level in 6 years; and

• Rhetoric and uncertainty are affecting business and Immigration; and

• UK unEmployment figures have reduced resulting in wage pressures.

How the CBI and business will respond to the latest non-EEA migrant Immigration visa and rule changes remains to be seen.

What is clear is that industry leaders and businesses, large and small, are worried about how their company will adapt to Brexit and the host of additional Immigration measures.

OTS business immigration Solicitors

At OTS Solicitors, our expert London business immigration solicitors are used to dealing with:

• Complex Immigration legislation and translating it into user friendly “need to know” information for business owners and human resource managers. We know that you do not want to know the legislative detail; you just want the bottom line of what you need to do to comply with Immigration laws and regulations; and

• Immediate changes in Immigration laws and visa options, with Entrepreneur Visas due to be terminated, it is a time for a change. OTS Solicitors keep up to date with all the Immigration rule changes and new Home Office policy guidance so that business owners can rest easy knowing that their Immigration law needs are in safe hands; and

• Urgent problems and things going wrong for business owners; at OTS Solicitors we are used to getting calls about visa application problems with key migrant workers or intra-company transfer issues or the suspension or down grading of a Sponsor Licence; and

• Business owners and company directors that want proactive answers and solutions to Immigration law problems. OTS Solicitors know that if an Immigration law problem is not resolved quickly and efficiently, the issue can escalate and affect company reputation and profitability.

How can OTS Solicitors help?

As business immigration solicitors dealing with corporate Immigration matters, we can help with:

• Hiring migrant workers to grow your business;

Right to work checks;

Sponsor Licence applications;

Sponsor Licence maintenance and assistance with suspensions and revocations;

Intra-company transfers and Home Office rules and regulations;

• Human resource manager training and updating on Immigration law changes and new Immigration rules and regulations so that record keeping is compliant with Home Office requirements;

Visa applications and representations, presented in a professional manner with the supporting Home Office required documentation and, if required, referenced to the case precedents to strengthen the visa application.

At a time of worry and change in Immigration law, the one change you will not regret making is asking OTS Solicitors to handle your business immigration law needs.


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