Can I apply for dual nationality in the UK?
Hi I have a ILR no time limit status and had it for over 10 years now , I was able to acquire one through my father as he got a job in the UK and after having lived over 5 years our whole family were able to receive it. I would now like to apply for the British passport but I am originally a citizen of Kazakhstan which prohibits dual nationality. I have no issue with surrendering my kazakh nationality but does that in any way affect the application for British passport ? My question is, can I start applying for the British naturalisation whilst holding a passport of a country that does not allow dual nationality ?
Public Answer
Thank you for your enquiry.
The UK does allow dual nationality however you would need to engage your embassy or consulate to determine the steps you would need to take in relation to your other nationality. All countries have varying rules in relation to dual citizenship. It is important not to surrender your only nationality which would result in you becoming stateless.
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[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]