Hi, Hope You Well And Thanks In Advance For Your Support In Briefi Came To Uk August 2005, Got Igs
Hi, hope you well . And thanks in advance for your support. In a brief:I came to UK on August 2005, got IGS visa on 2009, which ends on march 2011.I have applied for COA (Certificate of Approval) on December 2010, but couldn't received in my hand till March 2011. Got married with Eea national on April 2011 , applied for resident card on May 2011.Resident card received for 5 years on July 2011.Now..I would like to apply for ILR as I lived in UK continuously more then 10 years but my question is am I eligible ? Cause i have 2 months gap between 1 application to another. And i have received the Visa under EEA law. Please, advise.
Hi, hope you well . And thanks in advance for your support. In a brief:I came to UK on August 2005, got IGS visa on 2009, which ends on march 2011.I have applied for COA (Certificate of Approval) on December 2010, but couldn't received in my hand till March 2011. Got married with Eea national on April 2011 , applied for resident card on May 2011.Resident card received for 5 years on July 2011.Now..I would like to apply for ILR as I lived in UK continuously more then 10 years but my question is am I eligible ? Cause i have 2 months gap between 1 application to another. And i have received the Visa under EEA law. Please, advise.
Public Answer
[ This Immigration question has been responded to privately by one of our Immigration solicitors. If you have a similar question, please do not hesitate contact our UK Immigration team ]
[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]