What additional documents do I need if I am applying for a Skilled Worker Visa? banner

What additional documents do I need if I am applying for a Skilled Worker Visa?

What additional documents do I need if I am applying for a Skilled Worker Visa?

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What extra documents I need to prepare for applying a working visa if I have a caution record?

Public Answer

When applying for a Skilled Worker visa in the UK with a caution, it’s crucial to be transparent and provide additional documentation to address the issue. Alongside standard visa application documents, you may wish to include a detailed personal statement explaining the circumstances of the caution and demonstrating rehabilitation efforts. Attach character references from reputable individuals, certificates or evidence of rehabilitation steps taken. Consulting with an immigration solicitor is highly recommended to ensure that you meet the specific requirements of your visa category and present a comprehensive case that highlights your suitability for the visa despite the caution record. For more information, please contact us on 02039599123 or click here 

[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]

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