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Businesses who hold a Sponsor Licence and rely on foreign workers on Tier 2 (General) or Intra-Company Transfer) Visas (ICT Visa) should be aware that a raft of changes are...
Buy to let landlords may think that they have enough going on with Covid-19 related concerns about the valuation of their buy to let property portfolios, the availability of buy...
On the 13th October, the Immigration Bill 2015 will have its second reading in the House of Commons. According to a press release from the Government, the main purpose of...
– By Teni Shahiean of OTS Solicitors If you are a promising technology sector professional or entrepreneur, the thriving UK technology industry wants you to bring your talent to the...
By Oshin Shahiean, of OTS Solicitors Brexit is here. Well, not quite, we still have not triggered Article 50 yet, (more on that later). But for the 2.2 million EU...
Calls for release of UK’s Immigration detainees On Saturday 04 April, the Government announced that a number of prisoners are to be temporarily released from jail. Up to 4,000 low-risk...
The 22-24th February 2016 has been announced as the date the Supreme Court will hear the highly controversial case of MM and others v Secretary of State for the Home...
With the press full of the wedding of Prince Harry to American Meghan Markle, and news that she will apply for British Citizenship, other couples in transnational relationships must be...
The question “Can Filipinos visit and work in the UK?” is a question that our Tagalog fluent paralegal, Kristine Lauriaga is frequently asked. Kristine thought we should post a blog...
As London immigration solicitors we are frequently asked ‘how do I appeal an immigration decision?’ That is because many people come to us for help after making their own Immigration...
If you are in the unfortunate position of having received a UK deportation order you need to take urgent legal advice from expert immigration solicitors on your best options to...
On the 30 September 2020 the Home Office published new guidance on assessing the good character requirement in British nationality applications. As British citizenship solicitors we are frequently quizzed about...
All the talk of getting Brexit done and the flurry of activity over the new government’s planned changes to UK immigration law is making people question their Immigration status and...
One of the most common questions immigration solicitors are asked is ‘when can I apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain?’ For many, the years on a UK visa and being...
There is a lot of information available if you are an EEA national considering applying for pre-settled status or settled statusunder the EU Settlement Scheme but UK immigration solicitors are...
With talk of the new UK points based Immigration system and a radical overhaul of the Immigration system people are asking immigration solicitors if you can still apply for a...
The one thing that immigration solicitors will tell you is that personal Immigration law doesn’t just involve the main visa applicant but their whole family. Your family members may want...
The question ‘can I change job on a Tier 2 (General) visa?‘ is one that both non-EEA workers and UK employers want answering because whilst employees want flexibility their employers...
Although you may have committed to renting a property circumstances change and you may need to leave before the end of the tenancy agreement. This can be for a whole...
Before a top London Immigration solicitor answers the question “can I extend my UK spouse visa?”, we need to look at the basics of a spouse visa. A spouse visa...
By Oshin Shahiean, managing partner at OTS Solicitors You suddenly realise that a deadline is looming and your visa will expire. This is usually when we get a call to...
When people first talk to their immigration solicitor about ‘permanent residence in the UK’ they often don’t know what their available and best Immigration options are. It is common for...
If your child is a British citizen and you are not a British national then an obvious question for you to ask in response to ‘my child is British, can...
University and college exams are ending, and London employers are thinking about recruitment in either seasonal tourist industries or to help cover for staff holidays over the summer season when...
As top London immigration solicitors we are often asked the question, “can I settle in London after 10 years of living in the UK?”. That is a question about whether,...
Going through a separation or divorce can be a traumatic experience. However, the stress can be made worse if you are also worried about whether you can stay in the...
When you know that a mistake has been made you just want to wind back the clock and cancel the error so it as if the mistake never happened. It...
The question ‘Can my business recruit overseas workers?’ is a complicated one for immigration solicitors to answer whilst the UK is in the Brexit transition period until 11 pm on...
Each year, when the school summer holidays are nearly upon us, child custody solicitors see a rise in enquiries about whether an ex-partner can take a child to live in...
Immigration solicitors are getting enquiries from UK employers and skilled migrant workers on the new skilled worker visaintroduced as part of the points-based Immigration system to replace the Tier 2...
The question ‘can my husband cancel my spouse visa?’ is one that the Immigration and family law solicitors get asked a lot in January when there is a rise in...
As landlord and tenant solicitors we are often asked the question ‘what can I do if my landlord enters without permission?’ In this blog we answer your questions on your...
The landlord and tenant team at OTS Solicitors have had lots of worried calls from tenants wanting to know if their landlord can evict them during the Covid-19 pandemic and...
As UK immigration solicitors we can remember the time when all a business traveller to the UK needed was their passport and visa. Times have changed with the global COVID-19...
As specialist immigration and family law solicitors we are often asked questions about reuniting families through family visas or the option of international adoption. In this article we answer your...
If you are in the UK on a spouse visa and you are thinking about separating from your husband or wife you need to know if you can stay in...
It is a difficult enough decision to end a relationship but if your ability to stay in the UK rests on your relationship and your spouse visa it can be...
By Oshin Shahiean, managing partner at OTS Solicitors The Beatles classic track says “You can’t buy me love” but families caught up in navigating the UK’s family immigration Rules may...
British Public Want Immigration Controls and Access to the Free Market A recent survey has revealed that a majority of British people want to retain access to the single market...
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