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Protecting your child, whether they are a baby or an independent adult, is a lifelong job for any parent. You may think that you have done everything you can for...
When you are separating from a partner or getting divorced the last thing on your mind is either making a Will or revising an existing Will. However, Will solicitors say...
Many different types of allegations are made in child custody and contact proceedings from accusations of neglect, domestic violence, to emotional abuse. If a parent applies for a child arrangements...
It is hard when a stranger is sitting in judgment over you and your relationship with your children, especially when that stranger is preparing a report that will be highly...
Whether you are applying for a non-molestation injunction or you are on the receiving end of an application for an injunction order it can be a frightening experience. That’s not...
This time of year is known as a time for divorce. Top London divorce solicitors have never really known why. After all, the phenomenon cannot just be down to the...
It is a natural reaction to want to stop contact if your ex won’t pay child support. In this blog, child support and children law solicitor, Behzad SHarmin, looks at...
Whether you are applying to court for a child arrangement order or specific issue order or prohibited steps order or you are responding to an application made by your former...
When you or your spouse has a disability of any type, it can add additional stress to a marriage and can even result in divorce. That is because the financial...
As specialist family and divorce solicitors we know that one of the many things that deters people from making the decision to separate from their partner, husband or wife is...
When you are facing the prospect of a separation or divorce one of the first things on your mind is how often you’ll be able to see your child after...
Nowadays we listen a lot more to children than we did a generation ago, or even a decade ago. However, when it comes to a child custody or contact application,...
When it comes to making a claim against a Trust fund in divorce and financial settlement court proceedings, divorcees need help from the top London divorce and financial settlement solicitors...
Your ex-partner’s alcoholism may be the reason your relationship broke down but should it be the reason why child contact stops between your child and your ex-partner? In this blog...
If you have not been able to reach a financial settlement and your husband or wife has started financial court proceedings you will have received notice of your first court...
When you are weighing up what to do about child custody and contact arrangements after a separation or divorce then the cost of going to court for a UK child...
When you apply to court for a child custody or contact order or you are on the receiving end of an application for a prohibited steps order or a specific...
If you have read the news reports about the recent divorce court ruling on the Sharia law marriage of Mr Khan and Mrs Akhtar then you may be questioning the...
The rules on co-parenting should, at least in theory, be the same as you adopted for your children prior to your separation or divorce. Life is rarely as simple as...
When it comes to financial disclosure many people are wary about why financial disclosure after a separation or divorce is necessary and what purpose it serves. In this blog family...
When you are paying for children law legal advice because your ex-partner has started a child arrangement order, specific issue order or prohibited steps order application against you or you...
When a couple are contemplating divorce, tax is normally the last thing on their minds. However, top London divorce solicitors recommend that expert legal advice is sought before a couple...
If you have split up from a long-standing partner, the emotional consequences and the financial ramifications of creating two homes soon become apparent. The top London divorce solicitors will tell...
When you lose faith and trust in someone and you end up separating or getting divorced, it can make you question the whole basis of your relationship with your former...
Friends and family may tell you that on divorce the wife gets to keep the house and the husband keeps his pension. However, you can’t rely on financial settlement advice...
Up and down the country families are reeling from the shock UK government announcement about the planned increase in salary threshold for Spouse Visas and Family Visas. In this article,...
We are not embarrassed to emphasise that this is a blog by our Immigration Solicitors to act as an alert and call to arms over the planned changes to the...
The UK news has been full of reports on the planned 2024 immigration rule changes to the UK Family Visa and the Spouse Visa. Our Immigration Solicitors are taking lots...
HMO licensing can be a complicated area, but one that it is essential for landlords to get right. Failure to secure a licence or comply with its terms can result...
Disputes over deposits are one of the most common areas of conflict between landlords and tenants. Getting the right advice at an early stage can help you to achieve a...
Has a tenant breached the terms of their tenancy agreement in a property you own or manage? It is important to react in the right way to make sure you...
When you are an unmarried parent the thought of separating from your partner can be pretty terrifying when your partner is the main breadwinner and they are the legal owner...
Family lawyers and judges talk of findings but what is meant by a ‘finding of fact’? What are the implications of the family court making a finding of fact? In...
As separated and divorced fathers call our children lawyers to discuss their problems in getting half term holiday contact with their children, our family solicitors learn that separated or divorced...
When you are thinking about a separation or going through a divorce one of your worries may be whether you will have to pay maintenance and , if so, if...
When you decide to separate or divorce it can feel liberating and the start of a new chapter in your life. That new beginning may involve a move overseas with...
There comes a time when most people who are involved in mediation ask themselves the question whether they should stop family mediation and go to court to secure either a...
All too often top London divorce solicitors focus on how the family court will divide family assets on divorce. However, what happens if there is debt to sort out? You...
As a specialist London divorce solicitor, I am often asked by clients, who have either already separated or are planning to split up with their cohabitee, “what are the legal...
Divorce clients say that the thought of meeting a divorce solicitor for the first time is something they dread, thinking that an appointment to see a top family lawyer is...
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