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In these turbulent times it is difficult to keep up-to-date with all the Covid 19 lockdown rules and guidance and to interpret it to fit your family circumstances and child...
Telephone court hearings for domestic violence help with injunctions and occupation orders When our family law solicitors say that ‘’it is business as usual’’, they mean it. Many people think...
By guest blogger, Dr Kathrine Bejanyan, relationship consultant. Kathrine holds a PhD in social psychology and has a Master’s in counselling psychology. She is an accredited member of the British...
It might be easy to assume that because of everything that is going on with COVID-19 at the moment, we should all wait for it to pass before obtaining any...
If you are in an abusive relationship and are experiencing domestic violence or abuse then the coronavirus may seem like the final straw. In this blog we look at the...
If you are having to stay at home to look after your children and to try to home school them it is easy to get into a spiral of worries....
If you are getting divorced and trying to sort out the child care custody and contact arrangements for your children or feel that you need to start financial court proceedings...
Just before the prime minister’s announcement you may have been planning to leave or have just left your husband, wife or civil partner and now you both feel in limbo,...
Please contact OTS Family Solicitors on 02039 599123 or email us on if you your ex-spouse or partner is blocking or frustrating contact with your child. Contact does not...
In this blog we look at whether you can change your divorce financial settlement and financial court order because of the impact of coronavirus. It is a question the family...
As family lawyers with an international client base, many of our family law clients have more than one country that they call ‘’home’’ or an overseas holiday home or extended...
With the Easter school holidays fast approaching and with parents contemplating their plans for the long school summer holidays, in this blog we answer a question that frequently crops up,...
As online family law solicitors we are increasingly receiving calls and online enquiries from separated or divorced parents who are worried about the coronavirus outbreak and what they should do...
In the run up to the Easter and summer holidays we look at whether you can stop your ex-partner taking your child on holiday because of your worries about the...
When it comes to family law, you can feel a little wary about talking through your family law questions online. The specialist divorce and family law team at OTS Solicitors...
In this blog we address the question ‘Do I need a Will?’ and answer your questions about what happens if you don’t make a Will. London Will solicitors If you...
A family law solicitor may mention coercive control to you but what does it mean? Just as importantly what can you do about it if you are subject to coercive...
Tax is one of those thorny issues that we all are tempted to leave and sort out on another day but if you are a divorce and financial settlement solicitor...
Divorce solicitors often come across people with narcissistic personality disorders. It perhaps isn’t surprising that narcissists tend to be on the receiving end of divorce petitions but London divorce solicitors...
Divorce compensation is in the news. Why? A family court judge has ruled that a London woman is entitled to an additional £400,000 on top of receiving half of the...
You would think the question ‘’am I divorced’’ would get a simple yes or no answer. However, when it comes to answering the question, top London divorce solicitors may need...
Most divorcing couples think that if they have reached a financial agreement with their husband or wife that they do not need to go to the trouble and expense of...
Unmarried couples or cohabiting partners often assume that because of their cohabiting relationship they have legal protection and legal rights as a cohabitee. The reality is that in the UK...
Most people think that if you get divorced in say the Philippines or Nigeria you have to accept whatever financial settlement you can get the family and divorce court to...
After answering questions about childcare arrangements for the children after a separation or divorce, the next most popular question divorce lawyers are asked is ‘‘Will I get the house in...
Parenting and immigration – how the Home Office has an old fashioned concept of parenting in comparison to the UK family court As London immigration solicitors we are often consulted...
Civil partnership dissolution is a similar but different court process to divorce proceedings. It is best to speak to a family law solicitor with experience in civil partnership dissolution proceedings...
In the run up to Christmas with all the TV advertisements for toys and pantomimes and talk of nativity plays our thoughts turn to children. As a London children solicitor...
The question “can you protect a family business from a divorce?” is a reasonable question to ask. After all, company lawyers and accountants will tell you that whist it can...
With the school Christmas holidays fast approaching many parents are making plans for their children over the holiday season, including booking winter ski trips and overseas holidays to see family...
Is there such a thing as ‘’tech abuse’’? If you have been the victim of tech abuse then you would say that tech abuse can be just as upsetting and...
It comes as a surprise to many people when the top London divorce solicitors tell them that there are a number of “stages” in divorce proceedings. Most people assume that...
The best London divorce solicitors are frequently asked the question ‘’who gets the family home when you divorce?’’. It is not surprising that this is a common question as the...
There has been a lot of media coverage of domestic abuse and the need to reduce and eradicate it. Campaigners and the best London divorce solicitors know that they are...
The question “should I sign a separation agreement?” is one that the best London divorce solicitors are asked a lot. That is because when a couple split up there focus...
It may be tempting to assume that the parent who fails to pay for the maintenance of their child(ren) should not have the right to see their child. By Magdalena...
The best London divorce solicitors will tell most people that if they have taken the decision to separate or divorce that it makes sense to reach a financial agreement at...
When a couple decide to separate or divorce the prospect of reaching agreement over who should start the divorce proceedings, and on what basis, as well deciding on the parenting...
The best London divorce solicitors will answer the question “do I need a clean break order” as part of my divorce with an affirmative if the person asking the question...
The latest research from Royal London states that women who divorce end up with less than half the property and assets of married couples. On the pension front, women end...
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