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When parents make an application to court under the Children Act 1989 for an order relating to their children there may be mention of a “fact finding” hearing. Sometimes this...
If you are planning to marry, then nowadays the likelihood is that either you, your fiancée or a family member of either of your families will think about raising the...
Many couples do not realise that they have the option of signing a postnuptial agreement. Although prenuptial agreements are increasingly common, few couples have heard about the benefits of a...
If a husband and wife separate and one starts divorce proceedings, then the divorce and family court has the power to make an order for spousal maintenance under the Matrimonial...
The law on child abduction and whether you can keep your child in the UK after the breakdown of a relationship just got that much more complicated because of a...
It may sound strange to write a “divorce checklist” but the best London divorce solicitors will tell you that there are so many things to think about when you are...
You would think that a London divorce solicitor would not be suggesting ways to reduce the legal costs of your divorce proceedings. At OTS Solicitors, we believe that clients can...
The government has published a draft bill to help victims of domestic violence. This is good news for families experiencing domestic abuse or involved in family court proceedings for injunction...
A pension can be the biggest asset that a husband and wife own. Often the true value of the pension is not recognised, either because the pension is in payment...
The top London divorce solicitors find that engaged couples and their relatives are too embarrassed to ask questions about prenuptial agreements, as they do not want to show their ignorance...
Many people who are divorcing and who are shareholders in a family business assume that the family court will sort out their divorce and the division of family assets such...
In the majority of litigation court cases, the loser has to pays the legal costs of the winner. That can be a powerful deterrent to litigation. Failure can mean that...
The question “How do you tell the children about a divorce?” is one where all the top London divorce solicitors will tell you there is no one single right answer....
The best immigration lawyers have long understood the need to be proficient not just in immigration law, but in other aspects of UK law. To advise business immigration clients, a...
​​​​​​​Most people in an unmarried relationship do not realise that they need legal advice until after their relationship is in trouble. The best London family law solicitors say that it...
If you are not careful, you can feel so overwhelmed by your separation or divorce that it can take over almost every aspect of your life, from how you relate...
By Angelique Holm “I did not do anything wrong! Why do I have to go to court next week? Why have I been accused of such lies?” Please do not...
As top London immigration solicitors, the immigration law team at OTS Solicitors ensures that many migrants and their families are able to enter the UK and OTS Solicitors then go...
There is a lot of hype about Christmas. We are all bombarded by Christmas adverts for toys and presents and made to feel that gifts equate to the magic of...
Many people have preconceived notions about London divorce solicitors. After all, most of the public think solicitors are not approachable and that they encourage separating and divorcing couples to litigate...
Client was in the process of his divorce proceedings when he approached us. He received numerous very unreasonable offers from his ex-spouse in respect of how their matrimonial finances should...
We look at how the higher salary threshold for Spouse Visas and Family Visas could affect you. If you are a multi-national family the price of love is going to...
The decision to divorce is never easy. You may be concerned about how to go about starting divorce proceedings or worried about whether the children will live with you after...
In this article, our Family Lawyers and Immigration Solicitors look at what happens if you are in the UK on a Spouse Visa and you separate or divorce from your...
Recently the head of our landlord and tenant team at OTS Solicitors was interviewed by In this article, Nollienne Alparaque talks about the experience of working with and...
On 7 December 2023, the government published planned changes to the immigration rules on the business Visitor Visa. If you are a UK employer with an overseas-based branch, staff working...
There are always new developments in UK immigration law and immigration rules. However, 2024 looks like it is going to be a particularly busy year for Business Immigration Lawyers. In...
Our Immigration Solicitors recently reported that the income threshold for Family Visa and Spouse Visa applicants would rise from £18,600 to £38,700 in Spring 2024. On 21 December 2023, the...
Our Spouse Visa Solicitors have been reading about the planned legal challenges to the government’s decision to increase the income requirement for the Spouse Visa and Family Visa from £18,600...
If you are thinking about applying for a Spouse Visa or any other type of Family Visa in 2024 then speak to an Immigration Solicitor now. Planned changes in the...
A few years ago, Teni Shahiean, senior partner and CEO at OTS Solicitors, was interviewed by the BBC as an authority on all things immigration. She appeared on panel discussions...
If you are part of a multi-national family and you have decided to separate or get divorced it is best to speak to a family law solicitor before you make...
In this article, our UK Immigration Solicitors take a fresh look at the immigration skills charge and highlight what employers need to know about this charge if your company is...
At OTS Solicitors we are known as London-based experts in immigration law, including Spouse Visa, Unmarried Partner Visa and Fiance Visa applications. What you may not know is that we...
As specialist Family Law Solicitors and Immigration Lawyers, we often come across situations where a visa applicant, settlement applicant or person appealing a Home Office decision wants to use documents...
Our Immigration Solicitors examine the case of Prestwick Care Ltd & Ors v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] EWHC 3193 (Admin) Our London Sponsorship Licence lawyers write...
If you are living in the UK on a Family Visa or Spouse Visa and you need to apply to extend your visa you may be worried about the visa...
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